Loving - Transforming - Thriving - Always
At First Christian Church, we seek to live out on a daily basis the two greatest commandments given by our Lord Jesus Christ: Love God and Love People (Matthew 22:37-39).
Because loving God and loving others so often goes against
the grain of our sinful nature, we depend upon the supernatural transformation of our hearts and lives made possible by
the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:15-17). Through faith in Him as Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9-10), we die to our old selves and are raised up to new life in
baptism (Romans 6:3-4). As we grow in our walk with Him,
God continues to transform our lives more and more into the image of the One who saves us (1 John 2:5-6).
The greatest indicator of transformation is our love for others.
The more we love others as Christ loves us the brighter His
light shines in the darkness of this broken world. We want others to discover through what they see in us the difference Jesus
can make in their lives (Philippians 2:15).
New life in Christ enables us to thrive in this world because,
in Him, we find joy, peace, and purpose. His is the best life
(John 10:10). We are not promised an easy life but we are
not alone, He is with us (Matthew 28:20).
To discover more about loving – transforming – thriving – always,
we would love to have you join us this Sunday - in person or online.
Our Mission
We are a body of believers that strive to be Loving to all people. Our goal is to be Transforming in our life, in our homes, in our community and in the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through loving always and transforming always we experience life that is Thriving always.
Our Vision
We aim to be a community of devoted followers of Jesus, committed to growing in faith and helping others do the same. By sharing His love, we seek to inspire and guide others on their journey with Christ, building a lasting legacy of discipleship.
Growing Followers of Jesus Who Are
Growing Followers of Jesus
Our Values
At First Christian Church the values we abide by to keep us Loving, Transforming, Thriving Always are:
* Trusting in Biblical Authority
* Valuing Every Person
* Being Involved in our Community
* Kingdom Minded
* Wise with our Resources
An elder must live a blameless life. He must be faithful to his wife, and his children must be believers who don't have a reputation for being wild or rebellious. A church leader is a manager of God's household, so he must live a blamelss life. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered; he must not be a heavy drinker, violent, or dishonest with money. Rather, he must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must love what is good. He must live wisely and be just. He must live a devout and disciplined life. He must have a strong belief in the trustworthy message he was taught; then he will be able to encourage others with wholesome teaching and show those who oppose it where they are wrong Titus 1:6-9
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20