Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00PM


Contact Josiah Been, Discipleship Minister,  with any questions or to get plugged into a group.


 Discipleship is a lifestyle where one chooses to intentionally shape their life around Jesus and His Instructions. In scripture we see this done by walking alongside another Christian—in other words, a Disciple-Maker. A Disciple-Maker is someone who intentionally does life side-by-side with others, encouraging, challenging, and helping them grow in their relationship with Christ while simultaneously growing and maturing in their faith! As men, we live in a day and age where it isn’t always clear how we are to work, play, love, and serve. We constantly hear conflicting messages—some telling us to lead, while others say to step aside. We need a Biblical and Christlike definition of manhood. We need a community of other men who are in pursuit of this same definition to unpack and apply it to our lives. We need to come alongside other men of all ages and life stages to encourage, challenge, and help each other become biblical and Christlike men!


For that reason, we are inviting YOU—regardless of your age, church background, marital status, or whether you have children. We are inviting every man who longs to grow closer to Christ and to understand what it means to be a Godly Man and a Man after God’s own Heart. This journey is meant to be shared alongside other men who are seeking to grow in the same way!


If this something you’ve been looking for, please contact me to get plugged into a group. If you know a man who has been looking for this or would benefit from a community of Christian men walking alongside one another while growing closer to God and each other, please share my information with them. 

